Boston Window & Safety is a leader in Fall Protection services & Commercial Window Washing.
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Boston Window & Safety is a leader in Fall Protection services & Commercial Window Washing.
Contact us today to setup your free Roof Assessment !
Roof anchors must be visually tested on an annual basis, by a “competent person” (as described by OSHA)
Safety Fall Arrest Roof Anchors must be certified upon installation and then inspected on an annual basis to ensure compliance with the ASC l-14 Window Washing Safety Standard. The Standard states that a competent person must visually inspect all roof anchors once a year, and every ten years the anchors must be load tested, witnessed, and certified by a registered Professional Engineer (PE).
“As of 2018, there are new window washing anchor inspection regulations in effect. So give us a call and schedule your inspection and certification today ”
OSHA Requirements
OSHA requires that all building owners who have fall arrest roof anchors must have them inspected, certified, and maintained to ensure the safety of any worker who uses the anchors to access work areas.
As specialists in the field, Boston Window & Safety takes the guesswork out of equation. All of our inspections are performed by one of our own, someone who is well versed in the field and knows what is needed to keep your building in compliance.
When it’s time for load testing and certification, Boston Window & Safety will test and certify all anchor points and provide you with certification and documentation of the test, all witnessed by a State licensed Professional Engineer (PE)
Boston Window & Safety can also provide a system logbook detailing the current system, and a stamped “as-built“ to post near your roof access. You are required to provide this to anyone using or working on the system.
Click here for the official OSHA letter of interpretation !
The ASC/IWCA I-14.1 is an American Standard published in 2001. The intent of the I-14.1 window washing safety Standard is to improve the level of safety in the window cleaning industry. The I-14.1 Standard provides safety guidelines that benefit building owners, managers, and contractors. By following the voluntary I-14.1 Standard, both lives and assets are protected.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration references the I-14.1 Standard in violations by window cleaning contractors of the OSHA Section 5(a) 1- General Duty Clause. In these citations, OSHA states that the violations could have been remedied if the contractor were following the requirements of the I-14.1 Standard.
The citations covered a wide range of violations such as contractors needing to upgrade their equipment, improve safety training, providing a work plan, and working with the building owner or manager to assess the safety of the facility.
In a more significant case study, the I-14.1 Standard helped to eliminate the liability of a property manager after an accident occurred.